Wednesday, October 27, 2010

favorite design, which is the

Most of the girls had just three years enjoyed a walk, but Ruby Dickinson is having his artistic expertise deeper.

He is destined to become the world's youngest tattoo maker after learning of his father, Blane, who runs a tattoo parlor in Wales.

Mr Dickinson, 36, tattoo ink imported from the U.S. which has been designed specifically for use by a child's hand.

Ruby will get a mini tattoo equipment for his fourth birthday in October.

Mr Dickinson told the North Wales Pioneer: "Ruby is very aware he gets older, she can not wait. He wants to become a tattoo artist when she grows up.

"The goal is to get a tattoo on my foot with a birthday message for my 40th birthday."

He took lessons after seeding and practicing with toy tools in his father's shop.

Mr. Dickinson is hoping to beat the record Emilie Darrigade, a Canadian, who tattooed her father's arm part of a butterfly when she was five years old.

According to her father, Ruby is almost able to make his father's favorite design, which is the spider.

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